Hello, there!
Nice to meet you, I’m Michelle Gobbi. Shoot me a message if you’d like to work together on a project, chat about design stuff, or just meet up for coffee!
My journey as a designer began way back in the 1900’s (1996 to be exact), when the World Wide Web was still a baby and everyone was just learning its potential. From the very first time I plugged in an AOL disc, waited through 10 minutes of screeching call tones, and came to a black screen with green text and a bumblebee gif page divider bouncing across the screen, I was in love. I immediately saw a future in web design and all its possibilities.
I searched for a university where I could learn more about designing websites, but at the time there were no local schools who offered it. But I didn’t let that discourage me! I bought some computer parts and built a frankenstein of a PC, got some books on html and graphic design and got to work.
After about a year of learning the basics (it was all pretty basic back then, lol) I began freelancing for local businesses, creating websites and marketing materials with consistent visual design and messaging. This began my love of branding and marketing.
Fast forward 10 years, and the internet had become mainstream. Schools were now offering design classes, so I decided to get a degree. Since I had already been doing it for so long at that point, I flew through the course, graduating six months early with honors, on the Deans List.
Since then I’ve had the opportunity to work with many great brands and agencies. I’ve added many new skill sets to my resume over the years, but I have never stopped learning (or loving) web design.